AI Office AI Search Engine

Phind is an AI-powered search engine and coding assistant designed specifically for developers. 

Phind is an AI-powered search engine and coding assistant designed specifically for developers. 

Key Features

  1. AI-Powered Search Engine: Phind utilizes advanced natural language processing and machine learning to understand technical queries and provide relevant search results tailored for developers.
  2. Code Assistance: It can generate code snippets, suggest solutions, and provide explanations to help developers solve coding problems more efficiently.
  3. Contextual Understanding: Phind has the ability to understand the context behind technical queries, even if they are phrased in a complex or ambiguous manner.
  4. Generative AI Browsing: Interactive web browsing allows developers to receive code snippets, technical solutions, and relevant information as they navigate.
  5. Customizable Search Modes: Phind offers multiple search modes that can be combined, enabling developers to refine their searches and find information more effectively.
  6. Integration with Codebase: Phind can optionally integrate with a developer's codebase, ensuring that the solutions provided are practical and relevant to their specific coding environment.
  7. Mobile App and Browser Extension: Available as a mobile app for iOS and Android, as well as a Chrome extension for enhanced accessibility.


Free Plan: Offers limited access to Phind's features, including a certain number of free GPT-4 model uses per day.

Phind Pro ($20/month):

  • Over 500 GPT-4 model uses daily
  • Faster model inference on dedicated GPU clusters
  • Unlimited access to advanced features

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