Contact Deletion

InteHub Navigation Website makes the following statements to safeguard the interests and security of our users:

  1. If you discover any violations on our website, please contact our webmaster immediately and provide relevant evidence. We will investigate and handle the matter promptly, and remove any violations as soon as possible.
  2. If you encounter any errors or issues on our website, please promptly provide us with feedback, and we will make repairs and improvements in the shortest time possible.
  3. We welcome feedback and suggestions from our users. If you have any suggestions, you can contact us through the contact information provided on the website. We will carefully listen to your feedback and take measures to address any issues in a timely manner.
  4. To protect your personal privacy and information security, please do not disclose personal information or use insecure network connections in public places.
  5. We are committed to doing our best to protect user privacy and information security. However, if we discover any personal information being leaked or abused, we will take necessary measures to address it.
  6. We urge all users to jointly maintain a good online environment and order. Please refrain from posting illegal, obscene, violent, terrorist, or any content that may cause social panic, as well as any speech or behavior that may cause social panic.
  7. For information and speech suspected of infringing on the rights of others and disrupting social harmony and stability, we will take timely measures to address and stop them.
  8. We hope that all users will consciously abide by relevant laws and regulations and refrain from engaging in any illegal activities. If users discover any illegal activities, they should promptly report them to the relevant authorities.
  9. Finally, we hope that all users will consciously maintain a good online environment and social ethics, and work together to create a harmonious, healthy, and safe online environment.

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